Thursday, 26 February 2009

No Mythic for me...

Did not get Halo Wars a day early as I hoped but not long to wait. Only one of my regular Halo friends has it so far so at least I can play with them tonight. Tomorrow I have a whole day of Mythic madness planned, I'm talking lots of snacks, takeaway and the odd beery beverage, I truly cant wait!

If you too cant wait then check out this video of Assembly from the lovely lads at Roosterteeth

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

2 Days and Counting...

...until the Mythic map pack is out! Are you excited? I am! Sorry I've been out of action for a little while, had a cold that's been sapping my creativity. Been sitting on my couch watching far too much TV and playing Halo, even that's been a struggle.

Pre ordered my copy of Halo Wars yesterday and hoping that it will come on Friday morning at latest, Thursday would be nice though. I cant wait to get to grips with the new maps, as amazing as Sandbox looks the map I am really excited about is Orbital. It looks great for CTF and slayer, kind of reminds me of Rats Nest.

I have been asked to do a review for Hi-Score so expect to see my review there next week. Got to give my self the weekend to digest the maps and destroy some new Halo3 achievements. For those of you who have not discovered this site then you should head over and check it out.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Muchos Gaming.

Not blogged since Thursday, eek, been busy playing lots and lots of xbox. Played the Skate 2 DLC, Beowulf, Halo Wars demo and a large amount oh Halo3 so lots and lots of reviewing to do.

Skate 2 DLC

For 400 MS points you can pick up Rob Dyrdeks Fantasy 'Factory and a 50 possible achievement points. The skate plaza is based on a real area from Rob Dyrdeks reality TV show which I have never heard of, must not be on TV on this side of the pond. Here's a photo of the real thing as I could not get my hands on a shot of the in game version, from what I can see its an exact copy anyway.

There is some great lines and grinds on the park as well as a rooftop grind paradise, I'm talking ledge upon ledge where you can get amazing combos. If that's not enough there is a whole outside area with a lot of rails and jumps and lots of items to move around and create your own spots. You can also transition of the roof into a massive sewage pipe similar to the one in San Van which is ridiculous fun.

If you get bored of Freeskating there is a bunch of own the spot challenges which I killed with relative ease and a couple of tricky yet fun film challenges. I enjoyed the grind challenge in the park, shows you a couple of grinds that I would not have noticed myself. Once you do all of these there is a street contest in the park which will give you your final 25 point achievement. From the looks of the achievements EA will be releasing three more areas to skate, not sure how i feel about this as the cost will mount up, no doubt ill buy them anyway. I'm a sucker for DLC. Still two hidden achievements that I'm gonna have to look into.

But all in all if your a big fan of Skate 2 then these are definitely worth downloading, bring on more spots for me to murder!

More reviews to follow. ;)

Ignore the crazy font size at the top of blog, cant fix it...

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Skate 2 gets DLC

A good friend passed this little link onto me today detailing a new Fantasy Plaza Park. Hopefully EA will keep up the DLC because God knows I'll be buying everything they bring out, nice if they brought some new locations and events from around the world. Anyway, here's the article...

"EA will expand Skate 2 today with Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Plaza.

This costs 400 Microsoft Points (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.80) from Xbox Live, and USD 4.99 from the PlayStation Store. We're not sure whether this will be available for European PS3 owners as the store hasn't been updated yet.

There are no elves, dwarves or naked ladies in this fantasy land, but a skateboarding haven created by Dyrdek (and shoe company DC), who happens to be a professional skateboarder. And an entrepreneur. And the star of his own reality TV show.

The Fantasy Plaza forms the centrepiece of Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory show for MTV, and has an appropriate amount of ledges, gaps and rails to do pointy-nosed up-turned roundabouts on.

Skate 2 launched on Xbox 360 and PS3 quite recently, and turned up sporting the acclaimed balletic strategy that made the series an instant hit. Head over to our Skate 2 review to find out more."


Shoping is fun...

...but not when your broke. Last night I bought two games from a site I found through Frugal Gaming's Twitter, really good site, going to save me a lot of money! The game I bought for myself was Beowulf, yes I know it will suck but for £3.99 you cant go far wrong. I also picked up Shadowrun for a friend for the same price. Kind of selfish because I love this game and I want to play it more, I'm sure he will like it too.

For those of you who have not played this game, you really should, its a cracking game. I played this game almost every night for the entire summer. I still dig it out now and again but not as much as it deserves.

Would have bought more but Halo Wars is out next week and I need my Mythic Maps, they look amazing. Been watching all the videos and viewing all the screen shots that are emerging from If your a fan of Halo and have somehow missed these then you should get yourself across there and check it out. HBO has a post with all the write ups, you should seriously check this out.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

The Quest for Brigadier Pt2


AGGGHHHHH...there, nice to get that out of the way. I just had the worst 3 games of Lone Wolves ever. For some reason there was only four players in the first game which was slayer on guardian. I started off great with a nice spree with the shotgun and even got my hands on the sniper before I was grenade spammed from about 3 different directions. I promptly dwindled and fell down the table after the promising start, bad respawns, coming against shotguns and getting my head sprayed across the wall from a sniper were the highlights. I had a little flourish at the end to come within five kills of the lead which was still the bottom of the godamned table. Four players with five kills spread between them and I go straight down a rank, not the best of stars.

Next game was slayer on the pit, which is usually a personal favourite of mine but I just could not get going in this game. Coming against ridiculous snipers and rockets were the theme for the first half of the game. I managed to get my hands on a sniper and catch up the top 4 players but I could not improve on this at all. I had my chances but the amount of times I'd be outBRing some guy when a nade fly's across from some fucking direction and steals the kill was unbelievable.

Last game made me throw things around the room. I'm not proud of it but it happened. I hate High Ground, one of my least favourite maps, especially for Lone Wolves. The spawns are ridiculous on it, almost as bad as Foundry. Bit of a mirror image of the last two games where I had nice little spree in the middle with the possible glimpse of a late win to get some awful respawns and luck right at the end.

I called it a day after that, blaming the "fucking yellow ping" that I often complain about. I wish Broadband companies would upgrade my connection, we've had bugger all for years now.

As soon as I get my Brig I'm gonna float off to my happy land of social gaming shenanigans never to be seen in the darkened lands of Lone Wolves ever again...although a 50 would be a possibility...

Monday, 16 February 2009

The Quest for Brigadier Pt1

Its been over 6 months since I got my Lone Wolves up to level 40 and I have been quite content to keep it there. I believe the rank should reflect my skill so did not want to push for 45 too fast but I feel the time is near to set the bar that little bit higher.

I must have played about 10 or so games this afternoon and I started off really well going up from 39 to 42 in five or six games, thought i was in for an easy if. Next game was against some really dodgy 2nd account generals so i was already unsure to the outcome but when Swords on Epitaph came up and no one vetoed, my heart truly sank. I have a very shitty connection, it must max on 2 meg on good days. Generally I have no trouble with it but when it comes to swords against people with high connections I fell like im on dial up. I know the melee block and lunge, I use it regularly but when I'm on yellow ping there is just no point even swinging, Id be better throwing the sword aside and trying to punch my way to a win. Safe to say I dropped my 42 after one game of having it. Sad face...

But then I went back up, then back down, then back up, then back down then finally in my last game I levelled at 42 and decided to call it quits. 39 40 41 42 41 42 41 42. Could have been worse. I think I can get my 45 though, I want those wings man!

Hopefully pt2 will be the final tale in the saga (saga? I wish).


I found this fun little site today which some pretty clever quizzes on it. The first one I did was the Decade of Influence quiz which shows what era of gaming influenced the gamer you are today. I'm a modern gamer but I still love the retro games, was brought up on an amstrad and still own a few old consoles. Here's my results

I was a little surprised to be so uninspired by the 2000's though considering I'm an xbox live addict and play more games now than I ever did...but would I play them so much if it was not for my 90's SNES and N64 days.

Next test was about something very close to my heart, the FPS...drool...

I do agree with this result as I love to play objective and kind of take command of strategies and defence, I'm a nice boss though, honest.

What's your results? Take the quiz and leave a comment.


Sunday, 15 February 2009

Rainbow Six Letdown

Played a few game of Halo with the old faithful cousin on guest, mixed bag of results. First game was great, CTF on Sandtrap, 2 flag scores and 25 kills, could not have gone better. After that i thought we were set up for a solid few hours of Halo related fun, until we played Valhalla and got paired with 3 team killers. A bunch of betrayals and 3 bootings later we got beat. No surprise really.

Next game saw us on One bomb on Avalanche which is my favourite map. I had good feelings about this one. Did not score the first round but i managed to lead an awesome defence which saw us hold them off until my team mate decided to move the hog that was blocking the teleporter...thanks. They scored with about 4 seconds left. Safe to say we got beat thanks to weak teammates, cant win them all though.

So after that 2 game bad run my cousin pulled out Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 which he picked up in town. Being an avid fan of Black Arrow and the first Vegas game i fired it up for some split screen action. First annoyance, vertical screen splitting, for the life of me I could not find the option to change this. Can you? Please help me, I prey I'm being stupid. After I got used to this we proceeded through the first two missions.

First mission was the usual skulk around save some hostages and kill some bad guys. In fact so was the second mission. And I presume so was the next 7 missions. I'm not saying its not fun its just not new. I felt like I was still playing the first game, the 2nd level saw me in a casino which i swear was in the first game. Total Dejavu! I mean the games ok but why would anyone spend 40 quid on it, I'm shocked that they actually released this as a game, it should have been DLC. Bad developers!

Anyway, hopefully have some more positive reviews soon. Just wait until I review skate ;)


Welcome to what I hope will be a well used blog. Ive tried before to start one but hopefully this will be different, hopefully i will use this one. Expect to read amusing views on the gaming industry, mixed in with random Internet finds and even the odd little story from my boring little life.

Just started using Twitter today so feel free to add me and read my updates, should be quite a few every day. Seems a good way to follow a lot of fellow bloggers and gamers. Already got a few followers there with a few more to come if things go well.

Anyway, my cousin is coming down any minute now for a bash on Halo so wish me luck, prey my K/D is positive!